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First created in 2020, our annual Countdowns has become a staple of First Kiss Theatre’s season. If you're new to this project, the idea behind it is quite simple. Each day in the week or so leading up to the new year, FKT features a new, curated artistic experience (artifacts, as we call them) created by a member of our community right here on our website. In the past, we’ve featured plays, short films, drawings and paintings, poems, music, radio theatre, interviews, dance pieces, and more. For our Countdown to 2025, we have decided to take a step in a more personal direction. Each member of our administrative team has hand-selected an artist they are inspired by and want to share with the rest of our community. Between December 22nd and 31st, each artist will receive a two-day feature with the release of their artistic artifact one day followed by an interview. Each interview will look different, as each member of our admin team will focus most on what excites them about each artist and different aspects of their work. Each day in our calendar below takes you to a special feature that we invite you to explore and cherish. <3 Happy Holidays!
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