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About the Artist

Eliza Kuperschmid is currently a senior at Skidmore College, studying English and Music. She is experienced in playwriting and directing as well as music composition and flute performance. She has served as Skidmore Theater’s Programs Manager and currently as the EIC of the Living Newsletter. She was born and raised in Scotch Plains, New Jersey and when she’s not writing or reading plays, Eliza likes cooking, biking, and thinking about turtles. 

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About the Products

FIRST PRODUCT: ENGLISH EDITOR!!! Writing a paper for that English class you were forced to take but don’t know where to put the commas? Workshopping a play based on your experience with a childhood crush but think you spelled “lemonade” wrong (maybe “lemon-aide”)? Sending an email to your boss but wish you had the grammar skills to impress them? Self-certified English major and wordsmith Eliza will make all of your edits! Send her any piece of writing (page limit 15) and she will copy edit away! To order, click the "Order Now" button. It will direct you to an email, where if you just tell us what you would like to purchase, we will set you up with an order of this product and make the rest of the process super easy. If you're in a rush, contact the artist directly and the rest will be worked out! Receive English Edits for $5 plus $3 for every page. (To clarify, 1 page = $8, 2 pages = $11, 3 pages = $14, etc.)



SECOND PRODUCT: CUSTOM PLAYLISTS!! ELIZA WILL CURATE ONE FOR YOU!! As a music major and just general person who listens to music, Eliza feels as though she can capture your mood in song! If you’re interested, order the product and fill out the questionnaire describing your personality and music preferences (Eliza will send this once ordered) and she will hit you back with a playlist custom tuned to your ear and with potentially some new bops she thinks you would like to try! To order, click the "Order Now" button. It will direct you to an email, where if you just tell us what you would like to purchase, we will set you up with an order of this product and make the rest of the process super easy. If you're in a rush, contact the artist directly and the rest will be worked out! Receive a custom, curated playlist for $10.

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